Join us for this engaging virtual conference on Thursday 27 June from 11:00 to 15:00 UK time! 

The Transformative Power of Theatre in Education

Capturing curiosity, cultivating creativity, enabling empathy
and activating learner agency.

Thursday 27 June 2024

11:00 to 15:00
UK time

Ticket prices:
Single Ticket: £90

Group of 5 tickets: £360

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A 4 hour online stage to explore the benefits of looking through a theatre lens at our early years education. We will hear from theatre in education experts who will share what they do, why they do it and how we can bring these skill sets into our schools.

  • Duration: 4 Hours

The benefits of learning holistically are central to the IEYC curriculum. Theatre, dance and music have considerable power to enable this. The performing arts transcend language and cultural diversities to provide us with a common and shared language. Through storytelling and role play children can explore worlds beyond their own reality and establish the building blocks of international mindedness.

The Greeks used theatre to emote, to share stories and to understand the human condition. It was education and health services housed in theatres central to their communities.  Performing arts skills nurture creativity, flexibility and problem solving with the added magic of offering an international language.

What to Expect

The day will start with a keynote session from the unique Polka Theatre in London UK, followed by a variety of workshops that will be delivered by leading performing arts professionals. They will share research and findings as well as giving practical tips to include in your schools. The final session will be a panel curated by IEYC Lead Laura James, giving you a chance to ask questions and reflect on the stage.

Keynote and Workshop Sessions From:

Facilitated by Laura James
Head of IEYC

Laura's Bio

Laura is a British educator currently based in France. Laura currently works as the International Curriculum Co-Ordinator (IEYC Early years lead). Laura has worked in and with schools in the UK and Internationally for the past 20 years. Her roles with schools have been as Head of School, teacher, workshop shop leader, consultant, additional needs support, Safeguarding lead, Mental health lead and curriculum writer.

From 2012 – 2021 Laura ran her own 200 place nursery school in London, UK called Under 1 Roof. As well as being Director and Head of school Laura was also lead teacher for the preschool and in charge of implementing and overseeing the International Early years Curriculum. Laura is an accredited NSPCC UK Child Protection trainer and accredited Mental Health trainer through NHS, UK and works with clients around the world implementing policy and procedure and training the staff teams.

Previous to this Laura founded and directed Theatre tots (an early year’s drama and music education company) for 16 years which took her in and out of many early years environments in the UK and abroad. In recent years she integrated Theatre tots into schools in Qatar, USA, Australia, China and around the UK.

Laura started her career working in theatre, performing, writing and directing. She has recently written and directed a show for the University of Nevada Las Vegas.

Thursday 27 June 2024
11:00 - 15:00 BST
(This is the current UK time. See the table below for time zone conversions.)

brought to you by

The International Early Years Curriculum (IEYC)

This icaSpotlight is brought to you by the IEYC, supporting you in using the transformative power of theatre with your learners!
Patrick Jones - Course author