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A subscription service designed to support international educators in improving learning in their schools with relevant and engaging content. 

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Our Content Library

With your subscription to icaPRO, you will gain access to an ever-growing content library created for educators by educators, including:
  • Video lessons
  • Exclusive webinars
  • Mini-modules
  • Practical workshops
  • Infographics and guidance
  • New content each month
  • Weekly episodes of the icaPRO Talk About Podcast
  • A community of global educators!

New content launched weekly!

Our content is focused on the ICA Model for Improving Learning and organised into

Five Content Pillars

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Increase your ability to lead effectively and inspire positive change within your school.

   Research in 

Enhance teaching and learning with current educational research and best practices.

 Learning Cycle
Foster continuous improvement and student growth by understanding and implementing the learning cycle.

Create engaging and effective learning experiences with innovative teaching methods and strategies.

Learner Agency
& Action

Promote student empowerment and action through  encouraging active participation and civic responsibility.

Explore Some of Our icaPRO Content

Click the image to view to the content.

Research in Practice
Learning Cycle
Learner Agency & Action

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