IEYC Orientation Series 
Episode 2: Getting Started

  • Course for Teachers
  • Level: Introduction
  • Video Episode
  • Cost: Free
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What's included in the IEYC Orientation Series?

  • 8 Video Episodes
  • Basics of IEYC Philosophy
  • Description of IEYC Structure
  • Key Messages of the IEYC
  • Instructions for locating the materials needed for successful IEYC Implementation

Basic Elements of the IEYC

You will learn about the basic elements that make up the structure and philosophy of the IEYC and the key ideas that will support you in the beginning stages of implementation of the curriculum in your setting.

Your Next Steps

From the information provided in the Orientation Series, you will be able to identify gaps in your knowledge about the curriculum and decide on your next steps for implementation, whether it be further Professional Development or delving deeper into the Core Documents. 

Episode 2:
Getting Started

In this episode, you will be given guidance on using the Curriculum Portal, locating the Core Documents that support IEYC implementation and engaging with the wider IEYC community on the Pinboard.
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