ICA Information Sessions
Open to all schools
Session time: 1 hour
Learn more about ICA products and services
Q&A time at end of session
These information sessions are a great place to:
Learn more about the International Curriculum
Find out how to start the journey with using the International Curriculum in your school
Identify ways to support your teachers' growth with our Professional Development
Learn more about our Recognition and Accreditation services
Ask questions relevant to you and your context
Get Informed
These ICA Information Sessions are facilitated by the Outreach and Development Team, led by our Global Outreach and Development Manager, Alex Johnson.
These hour-long sessions are an opportunity for you connect directly with the ICA and learn more about how our products can improve learning in your school.
These hour-long sessions are an opportunity for you connect directly with the ICA and learn more about how our products can improve learning in your school.
Support Improving Learning
Attending an ICA Information Session can help you identify ways to improve learning in your school or context and determine your next steps along the ICA pathway.
These sessions provide an introduction to our range of products that have been created to improve learning for all learners globally and are backed by current educational research.
These sessions provide an introduction to our range of products that have been created to improve learning for all learners globally and are backed by current educational research.
Upcoming Information Sessions
Join us for our series of information sessions:
brought to you by our
Outreach & Development Team
These information sessions are brought to you by the ICA International Outreach and Development Team. Their aim is to inform schools around the world about the benefits of the International Curriculum and support them through the initial stages of their journey with implementation.