Unlocking Potential: Fostering Autonomy and Agency for Educators and Students 

In this round-table discussion, fostering autonomy and agency for educators and students is explored. By fostering autonomy and agency, we not only cultivate a sense of responsibility and self-direction among students but also empower teachers to innovate and tailor their instructional approaches to meet diverse student needs.
However, this approach doesn’t come without its challenges. In this discussion, our experts explore workable strategies and best practices that really develop a culture of agency and autonomy. 
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What to Expect

Discover how a focus on agency can enable individuals to take ownership of their learning journey and professional roles.

The key themes include:

  • Strategies that empower students to take ownership of their learning
  • Ways to support teachers to develop their own autonomy and agency within their professional roles
  • Examples of successful initiatives and strategies that promote autonomy and agency amongst students
  • How to measure the effectiveness of autonomy and agency initiatives
  • Advice for schools looking to enhance autonomy and agency within their community

What's included?

Context for learning

Read about how students tackled the challenge of creating an impactful and educational action plan on the rarely discussed topic of feminine hygiene.

55 minute webinar

Watch a prerecorded webinar where experts share their experiences and successful strategies for fostering autonomy and agency among educators students.

Practical application

Reflect on your learning with a series of guided questions that support you to self-analyse how far along your school is in fostering autonomy.

With Special Guests

Ann Lautrette

Deputy Head at Taipei European School British Secondary and High School

Thomas Holmes

Head of Primary at The British School Warsaw

Patrick Renouf

Concept-Based Inquiry Educator, Mathematics Coach, Concept-Based Curriculum Instructor & Workshop Leader

Richard Pratt

Principal at JPED / Beijing BISS International School
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This webinar is the second in a series brought to you by the International Curriculum Association (ICA) and the International Schools Network (ISN). Our aim is to inform and engage our global community of educators with relevant content to support improving learning in all schools.
Patrick Jones - Course author