An Essential Course for New Teachers

Getting Started With the IEYC/IPC/IMYC

Our Getting Started courses provide practical support and guidance for teachers who are new to working with the International Curriculum. You will learn about the structure and contents of our units of learning, planning essentials and how to create an engaging learning environment for your learners. 

What can you expect from this course?

5 modules with practical activities
3 hours of learning
Video-based lessons with built-in tasks
Step-by-step guidance
Free and open course navigation
Learn at your own pace
Certificate of Completion
Awarded to all teachers
"This online course helped me plan my first unit and prepare my learning displays. I feel more confident to welcome learners to my classroom now!"

Is Getting Started right for you?

  • Are you new to teaching with the International Curriculum?
  • Do you need support and guidance for how to plan your first unit of learning?
  • Do you have questions about how to set up your learning environment?
  • Would you like to see examples of how other schools around the world  implement units of learning with their learners? 
If you answered 'yes' to any of those questions, then taking the Getting Started with the International Curriculum course is your next step!